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Supporters of Greece's extreme right Golden Dawn party gather outside their party's headquarters as ballots are thrown from the building in Athens June 17, 2012. Greece's main pro-bailout parties could form a coalition government with the slimmest of majorities, according to updated exit polls on an election watched by the world to see if the debt-laden country stays in the euro zone. REUTERS/Yorgos Karahalis (GREECE - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS BUSINESS TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
图像来源: Reuters


中国欢迎希腊昨天(6月17日)举行的议会选举结果。中国财政部副部长朱光耀在墨西哥的洛斯卡沃斯(Los Cabos)表示,中方确信,希腊应继续留在欧元区内,以保持其融入性和稳定。他同时强调,选举后还需做出更多努力。他称,希腊新政府能建立在稳固的基础上,保障希腊的稳定。他指出,对希腊而言,稳定非常重要,并且是经济增长的前提,希腊必须同欧盟、欧洲央行和国际货币基金组织合作,以稳定经济和金融市场。他称,中国尊重希腊人作出的独立决定。朱光耀目前正陪同中国主席胡锦涛参加在洛斯卡沃斯举行的G20峰会。朱光耀此番表态不同寻常。中国政府迄今的惯常做法是,不直接对其他国家的选举结果表示态度。