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Syrian soldiers, who have defected to join the Free Syrian Army, hold up their rifles as they secure a street in Saqba, in Damascus suburbs, in this January 27, 2012 file photo. People have described Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to Reuters as a head of state fully abreast of events on the ground - not the mere puppet of hardliners that some have portrayed - "relaxed and phlegmatic", and determined to see off the challenge, offering some reforms, strictly on his own terms. While few rate his long-term prospects highly, all is not lost, at least for now. Assad's troops swiftly drove back the more lightly armed rebels from the outskirts of Damascus and many foresee a long struggle yet for a country, at the heart of the Middle East, that is trapped in a "balance of weakness". Picture taken January 27, 2012. To match Insight SYRIA/ASSAD REUTERS/Ahmed Jadallah/Files (SYRIA - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS MILITARY)
加入反对阵营自由叙利亚军的前政府军士兵在大马士革近郊守卫街道图像来源: REUTERS





File - In this Jan. 27, 2012 file photo, in this citizen journalism image provide by the Local Coordination Committees in Syria, anti-Syrian regime protesters, hold a caricature placard shows Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin aiding his Syrian ally President Bashar Assad during a demonstration, at kfarnebel town in Edleb province, Syria. Throughout 40 years of Assad family dictatorship, one thing united Syrians _ the culture of self-censorship, fear and paranoia. But the uprising against President Bashar Assad has unleashed a burst of blunt irreverence and black humor that would have been unthinkable before, when any satire had to be indirect or hidden. The Arabic words in the placard read:"The occupied Kfar-Nebel". (Foto:Local Coordination Committees in Syria, File/AP/dapd) EDITORIAL USE ONLY, NO SALES, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IS UNABLE TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE AUTHENTICITY, CONTENT, LOCATION OR DATE OF THIS HANDOUT PHOTO
叙利亚示威者抗议俄中在安理会表决中投否决票图像来源: AP




但阿萨德政权还没有用尽其军力。专家称,四分之三的士兵现在还呆在军营里。共和国卫队的特种部队以及第四坦克营仍然效忠阿萨德。多哈布鲁金学院的沙迪·哈米德(Shadi Hamid)因此认为,叙利亚政权内部不太可能发生突变:



作者:Ulrich Leidholdt 编译:乐然
