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Zhejiang Universität
Beschreibung Deutsch: Das Stadtzentrum der ruandischen Hauptstadt Kigali. English: The centre of Kigali, Rwanda. Datum 2. März 2006 Quelle Eigenes Werk Urheber SteveRwanda Genehmigung (Weiternutzung dieser Datei) GDFL and CC Share Alike Quelle: Wikipedia Link: http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Datei:CentralKigali.jpg&filetimestamp=20060315102215
A general view of Yangshan deep-water port is seen Friday, March 5, 2010 in Shanghai, China. China's Premier Wen Jiabao promised strong growth this year and said the government will combat inflation and risks to banks to keep the rebound in the world's third-largest economy on track. (ddp images/AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko)
ARCHIV - Eine von Femern Baelt A/S herausgegebene Computergrafik zeigt die Planung fuer eine Schraegseilbruecke ueber den Fehmarnbelt zwischen Deutschland und Daenemark. Der Bundestag hat am spaeten Donnerstagabend, 18. Juni 2009, den Staatsvertrag fuer den Bau der knapp 20 Kilometer langen Ostseebruecke ueber den Fehmarnbelt gebilligt. Die Bauarbeiten sollen 2012 beginnen. (AP Photo/Femern Baelt, Soren Madsen) ** NUR ZUR REDAKTIONELLEN VERWENDUNG ** zu APD6308 ** --- FILE - A computer generated image provided by Danish company Femern Baelt A/S on Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2008 shows the planned cable-stayed bridge of the Fehmarnbelt link between Germany and Denmark. (AP Photo/Femern Baelt, Soren Madsen) * EDITORIAL USE ONLY * NO SALES *
The Marine Myth, which carries 1,600 tourists for Taiwan, is seen at the International Passenger Transport Center of Shanghai Port, in Shanghai, China, Saturday, March 14, 2009. Chinas first tourist liner, Marine Myth, set sail from Shanghai to Taiwan on Saturday (March 14, 2009), carrying 1,600 tourists. The tourists will visit Taipei Forbidden City, Riyuetan Lake and other famous sights. A total of 4,105 groups have visited the island since it was opened to mainland tourists last July, involving an average of 447 daily arrivals, the Cross-straits Tourism Exchange Association said Sunday (March 15, 2009). +++(c) dpa - Report+++