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FILE - A mother sits with her seriously malnourished child at a feeding centre run by German Agro Action (GAA) in the village of Nosy Varika on the eastern coast of Madagascar, 18 July 2007. The aid project falls under the European Commission Humanitarian Aid (ECHO). The area of eastern Madagascar has numerous malnourished children because of a combination of incorrect farming techniques and dietary problems stemming from an inadequate diet. Recent cyclones in 2006 also contributed to the need for foreign aid. Foto: EPA/KIM LUDBROOK (zu dpa: "Unicef: Alle fünf Sekunden stirbt weltweit ein Kind" vom 13.09.2013) +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
ARCHIV - Ein Schuljunge rennt in Soweto in Johannesburg an einem Wandbild vorbei, das vor Aids warnt (Archivfoto vom 17.05.2002). Am 1. Dezember ist Weltaidstag. Nach Schätzungen des Aidsprogramms der Vereinten Nationen UNAIDS gibt es weltweit 34 Millionen Infizierte, täglich kommen 7400 dazu. In Deutschland leben rund 70 000 Menschen mit HIV. Die Zahl der Neuinfektionen in der Bundesrepublik lag Ende 2010 bei 3000, etwa 550 Infizierte starben. Foto: Kim Ludbrook +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
This photo provided by Gilead Sciences shows Truvada. A panel of federal health advisers votes today, Thursday, May 10, 2012, on whether to endorse the first drug shown to prevent HIV infection, potentially clearing the way for a landmark approval in the 30-year effort against the virus that causes AIDS. The Food and Drug Administration advisers will vote on whether Truvada should be approved as a preventative treatment for people who are at high risk of contracting HIV, such as gay and bisexual men. (Foto:Gilead Sciences/AP/dapd)