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Durch Hochwasser zerstörte Häuser in Mazar-e Scharif, Afghanistan. Die Fotos sind von unserem Mitarbeiter Nabi Asir am 20.02.2012 in Mazar gemacht worden. Alle Rechte gehören der DW
Berlin/ Der Generalsekretaer der NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, und Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) geben am Freitag (04.05.12) in Berlin im Bundeskanzleramt eine Pressekonferenz. (zu dapd-Text) Foto: Timur Emek/dapd
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) and NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen address a news conference after talks in Berlin, May 4, 2012. REUTERS/Tobias Schwarz (GERMANY - Tags: POLITICS)
Afghan security forces members inspect the site of a car bomb attack in Kabul May 2, 2012. At least six people were killed in the suicide car bomb attack in the Afghan capital on Wednesday, officials said, hours after U.S. President Barack Obama left Kabul following an unannounced visit during which he signed a strategic partnership agreement. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: CIVIL UNREST CRIME LAW)
Afghan security men gather at the site of a blast in Kandahar, Afghanistan, Friday, Oct. 28, 2011. A NATO service member was killed Friday in a roadside bombing in the same restive southern Afghan province where the U.S.-led alliance, a day earlier, repelled a coordinated Taliban attack on a U.S.-run civilian and military base. (ddp images/AP Photo/Allauddin Khan)
An Afghan porter, bottom, throws sacks containing tea onto a truck in Kabul, Afghanistan on Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011. (ddp images/AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)
Auf einem Tisch im Polizeipraesidium Muenchen sind am Mittwoch, 10. Sep. 2003, Waffen und Rechtsextremes Material ausgestellt, die im Rahmen von Hausdurchsuchungen und Festnahmen in Bayern, Brandenburg und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern sichergestellt wurden. Unter anderem wurden ueber 10 Kilogramm sprengstoffverdaechtiges Material sichergestellt, das mindestens 1,7 Kilogramm TNT-Sprengstoff enthaelt. (AP Photo/Jan Pitman)
Afghan President Hamid Karzai, talks with journalists during a press conference in Kabul Afghanistan on 31 January 2010. President Karzai breifed the media about his recent visit to London, in which he attended an international, London Conference on Afghanistan. EPA/S. SABAWOON
Anders Fogh Rasmussen, NATO Secretary General, speking at NATO MInisterial, Brussels, 8- 9 June, 2011. DW/Ani Ruci.
Afghan policemen and foreign soldiers with the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) salute during the ceremony of hand over control for security in Bamiyan, west of Kabul, Afghanistan Sunday, July 17 2011. International military forces on Sunday handed over control for security in peaceful Bamiyan province to Afghanistan's police, one of seven areas that will transfer this month in a process that aims to hand full responsibility to the government by the end of 2014. (Foto:Mohammad Bashir/AP/dapd)
Australia's Prime Minister Julia Gillard speaks at the national press club in Canberra, Australia, Thursday, July 15, 2010. Australia's government bolstered its economic credentials ahead of looming elections by releasing new treasury data Wednesday that showed its reversal on a promised mining tax had not diminished its budget forecasts. The latest figures are even better than the treasury's last budget outlook, released in May, which showed Australia's finances would be back in surplus in the 2012-13 fiscal year despite billions of dollars in government stimulus spending to avoid recession. The improvement, largely due to soaring prices for Australian energy and mineral exports, is expected to come despite Prime Minister Julia Gillard abandoning plans to introduce a 40 percent tax on mining companies' burgeoning profits.(AP Photo/Mark Graham)
Der neue Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert, aufgenommen am Montag, 16. August 2010, in Berlin in der Bundespressekonferenz waehrend seiner ersten Regierungs-Pressekonferenz. Der ehemalige ZDF-Moderator folgt in dem Amt auf Ulrich Wilhelm, der zum Bayerischen Rundfunk wechselt. (apn Photo/Berthold Stadler)
an afghan police stops an afghan man in the scene of attack by Taliban militants in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, April 15, 2012. The Taliban attacked on the Afghan capital and tree more provinces on Sunday, targeted NATO headquarters, the parliament and diplomatic residences. (DW Photo/Hossain Sirat)
Berlin/ Der Generalsekretaer der NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, spricht am Donnerstag (27.10.11) im Bundeskanzleramt in Berlin bei einer Pressekonferenz. Die NATO wird nach den Worten ihres Generalsekretaers auch nach 2014 in Afghanistan praesent sein. Dabei werde sich aber der Charakter des Militaereinsatzes veraendern, sagte Rasmussen am Donnerstag nach einem Treffen mit der Bundeskanzlerin in Berlin. (zu dapd-Text) Foto: Steffi Loos/dapd
Soldiers of ANA based at Camp Stone dpa 13289942
FILE - In this Oct. 28, 2009 file photo taken with a night vision scope, U.S. Special Operations forces search a home during a joint operation with Afghan National Army soldiers targeting insurgents operating in Afghanistan's Farah province. Increased nighttime military raids by international military forces in Afghanistan have created a resentment that has undercut any battlefield gains from the tactic, according to a report released Monday, Sept. 19, 2011, by a U.S. think tank. (AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo, File)
ARCHIV: Soldaten der Bundeswehr gehen in Faisabad in Afghanistan bei der Landung eines Hubschraubers vom Typ CH-53 in einer Staubwolke (Foto vom 19.09.08). Aussenminister Guido Westerwelle denkt offenbar daran, die Bundeswehr schneller aus Afghanistan abzuziehen, wenn die Sicherheitskraefte frueher die Verantwortung fuer das eigene Land uebernehmen. "Deutschland verhaelt sich synchron mit den afghanischen und internationalen Partnern", sagte der FDP-Politiker nach Informationen der in Duesseldorf erscheinenden "Rheinischen Post" zu Vertrauten. (zu dapd-Text) Foto: Michael Kappeler/dapd
Verletzte *** Bei einem Doppelanschlag in der westafghanischen Stadt Herat sind am Montag (30.05.2011) mindestens vier Menschen getötet worden. Ein Selbstmordangreifer sprengte sein mit Sprengstoff beladenes Auto im Eingangsbereich eines italienischen Militärstützpunktes in die Luft. Nach Angaben des Verteidigungsministeriums in Rom wurden fünf italienische Soldaten verwundet, einer davon schwer. Die zweite Explosion ereignete sich auf einer belebten Kreuzung in der Innenstadt. *** Bilder von DW-Korrespondent Hoshang Hashimi
Ausbildung und Training von afghanischen Polizisten in Herat, Afghanistan. Die Bilder hat uns unser Korrespondent Hoshang Hashemi am 12.12.2011 geschickt. Alle Reche gehören der DW.
In this Sunday, March 11, 2012 photo, an Afghan Army soldier stands guard outside a military base in Panjwai, Kandahar province south of Kabul, Afghanistan. An Afghan youth recounted on Monday the terrifying scene in his home as a lone U.S. soldier moved stealthily through it during a killing spree, then crouched down and shot his father in the thigh as he stepped out of the bedroom. The soldier, now in U.S. custody, is accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians in their homes in the middle of the night between Saturday and Sunday and then burning some of their corpses. Afghan President Hamid Karzai said nine of those killed were children and three were women.(Foto:Allauddin Khan/AP/dapd)
ADDS DATE OF CRASH - FILE - A US Marine tries to take cover, perched on a container, trying to shelter from the dust as a Chinook helicopter arrives to pick up supplies at Forward Operating Base Edi in the Helmand Province of southern Afghanistan, in this June 9, 2011 file photo. Afghan President Hamid Karzai says 31 U.S. special forces and seven Afghan soldiers were killed when a helicopter, similar to the one shown crashed in eastern Wardak province Saturday Aug. 6, 2011. (Foto:Anja Niedringhaus, File/AP/dapd)
A United States Air Force Special Operations soldier stands guard near a U.S. Army Special Forces Chinook helicopter, as Afgan civilians and militiamen loyal to the rebel Northern Alliance look on, in Khwaja Bahuaddin, Afghanistan, Thursday, Nov. 15, 2001. Two helicopters with small U.S. Special Forces teams provided logistics and security for Andrew Natsios, the director of USAID, who visited the longtime Northern Alliance stronghold to review projects funded by the US aid agency. Natsios is the highest U.S. official to visit Afganistan in twenty years. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)