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Members of the Afghan loya Jirga, a meeting of around 2,500 Afghan tribal elders and leaders, listen during the first day of a four-day long loya jirga in Kabul on November 21, 2013. Afghan President Hamid Karzai backed a proposed security pact with the United States that will see up to 15,000 foreign troops remain in Afghanistan as a chance to bring stability to the wartorn country. A grand assembly of tribal chieftains, community elders and politicians began four days of debating the bilateral security agreement (BSA), which will shape Washington's future military presence in Afghanistan. AFP PHOTO/Massoud HOSSAINI (Photo credit should read MASSOUD HOSSAINI/AFP/Getty Images)
Members of a traditional Afghan grand assembly convened to debate matters of national importance known as a "Loya Jirga" walk inside a registration centre in Kabul November 17, 2013. Thousands of Afghan tribal and political leaders will gather in the Afghan capital this week to decide whether to allow U.S. troops to stay after the 2014 drawdown of foreign forces. Picture taken November 17, 2013. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: POLITICS MILITARY)
***Neue Rekordernte bei Opium und Cannabis - Afghanistans traurige Bilanz, Matthay*** Afghanische Bauern bei der Ernte in einem Mohnfeld in der Nähe von Kandahar (Archivbild vom 26.04.2005). Der weltgrößte Heroinproduzent Afghanistan ist inzwischen nach einem Bericht der Vereinten Nationen auch der wichtigste Lieferant der illegalen Droge Cannabis geworden. Die im vergangenen Jahr rund 70 000 Hektar große Anbaufläche von Cannabis, aus dem Haschisch gewonnen wird, werde in diesem Jahr voraussichtlich weiter anwachsen, heißt es in dem am Mittwoch 06.02.2008 in Tokio vorgestellten Winterbericht des UN-Büros für Drogen und Kriminalität (UNODC) zu Afghanistan. Die Anbaufläche für Schlafmohn, aus dem Rohopium und dann Heroin produziert wird, werde 2008 ähnlich hoch wie im Vorjahr oder knapp unter diesem Rekordwert liegen. EPA/HUMAYOUN SHIAB +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
ARCHIV - Ein undatiertes Handout der US Air Force zeigt eine Drohne vom Typ MQ-1 Predator. Bei einem Drohnenangriff in Pakistan ist nach US-Angaben ein wichtiger Drahtzieher der Terrororganisation getötet worden. Es handele sich um Hussein al-Yemeni, der hinter einem Selbstmordattentat auf eine CIA- Basis in Afghanistan im Dezember gesteckt haben soll.EPA/LT. COL. LESLIE PRATT - HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
FEYZABAD , AFGHANISTAN - OCTOBER 6: A German soldier of a CIMIC unit talks to Afghan men to ask them for their needs during a regular patrol on October 6, 2010 near Feyzabad, Afghanistan. Germany has more than 4,500 military forces in Afghanistan as part of the US-led International Security Assistance Force. (Photo by Miguel Villagran/Getty Images)
(FILES) In this file picture taken 17 February 2007, Australian soldiers of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) stand guard at the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Tirin Kot, the capital of Uruzgan Afghan province. Australia on October 21, 2009, flagged moves to bring military operations in Afghanistan to a quick end, despite US and NATO calls for more troops to shore up the campaign against a resurgent Taliban militia. AFP PHOTO/SHAH Marai (Photo credit should read SHAH MARAI/AFP/Getty Images)
Ein gepanzertes Fahrzeug von Typ Dingo steht am Donnerstag (14.06.2012) vor der Deutschen Botschaft in Kabul in Afghanistan. Foto: Michael Kappeler dpa
In this Dec. 4, 2007 file photo, then Khowst Province Gov. Arsallah Jamal meets with Defense Secretary Robert Gates in Khowst Province, Afghanistan. Afghan officials say a bomb placed inside a mosque in the country¿s east has killed Jamal, currently the governor of Logar province. They say the explosion took place as Jamal was delivering a speech on Tuesday morning, Oct. 15, 2013 to mark the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. (AP Photo/Haraz N. Ghanbari, Pool, File)
Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai (R) speaks during a joint news conference with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Kabul October 12, 2013. Kerry and Karzai said on Saturday major issues over a bilateral security agreement had been resolved but the question of immunity for U.S. troops would have to be decided by a assembly of elders and leaders. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: POLITICS)
ARCHIV: A French Army Eurocopter Tiger (Tigre) attack helicopter flies over Kabul on September 11, 2011. Some 4,000 French troops are based in Afghanistan supporting the NATO-led effort to battle Taliban rebels and to build up and train the Afghan forces. AFP PHOTO / PASCAL GUYOT (Photo credit should read PASCAL GUYOT/AFP/Getty Images)
--- DW-Grafik: Peter Steinmetz
KARKAR, AFGHANISTAN - OCTOBER 31: Afghan coal miners use the trolley to exit the mine after their shift is over inside the Karkar mine October 31, 2004 Karkar, Afghanistan. The workers are coming from 350 meters inside the tunnel. The mine is the most active one in the country, producing coal for the country for the upcoming winter season. There are 160 mine workers working 2 shifts producing 55 tons of coal per day which has been in operation for 57 years and was active during the Taliban years as well. The workers make less than $4.00 a day. (Photo by Paula Bronstein/Getty Images) Erstellt am: 31 Okt 2004 Suchbegriffe: Geschäftsleben, Finanzen, Ganzkörperansicht, Naher und Mittlerer Osten, Afghanistan, Bergmann, Bergwerk, Weggehen, Fossiler Brennstoff, Kohle, Bergbau, Trolleybus, Energieindustrie, Kohlenbergmann, Taliban, Karkar, Kohlengrube
Soldiers walk towards the U.S. Consulate after an attack by insurgents in the western Afghanistan city of Herat, in this still image taken from video on September 13, 2013. At least three people were killed when insurgents attacked the U.S. consulate in Herat on Friday, detonating a powerful truck bomb outside the front gates and launching a gunbattle with security forces, officials said. REUTERS/Reuters TV (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
07.04.2013 DW Online Karte Afghanistan Kunar eng
Ehemalige Taliban-Kämpfer bei Waffen Übergabe in Herat, Afghanistan
ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY OR DEATH Men carry a victim of a suicide car bomb attack in Kabul June 11, 2013. A loud explosion was heard in the Afghan capital Kabul's diplomatic area, and a police source said it was a suicide attack not far from the U.S. Embassy. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS) TEMPLATE OUT
Kabul Stadt in Afghanistan Das Bild hat uns unser Korrespondent Hussain Sirat aus Kabul geschickt. Alle Rechte gehören der DW.
Smoke rises from the site of an attack in Kabul June 25, 2013. The Taliban claimed responsibility on Tuesday for the early morning attack on the presidential palace and nearby government and other buildings as fighting raged in the area. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST) / li
ARCHIV - Ein Bundeswehrsoldat sichert in der Umgebung von Faiserbad eine Erkundungsmission (Archivfoto vom 05.10.2008). Im nordafghanischen Einsatzgebiet der Bundeswehr ist ein Soldat der Internationalen Schutztruppe Isaf getötet worden. Die Nato-geführte Isaf teilte in der Nacht zum 05.05.2013 mit, der Soldat sei am 04.05.2013 bei einem Angriff Aufständischer getötet worden. Angaben zur Nationalität machte die Isaf nicht. Foto: Maurizio Gambarini/dpa (zu dpa:"Isaf-Soldat in Nordafghanistan getötet - Nationalität unbekannt" vom 05.05.2013) +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++