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A banner with Social Liberal Union (USL) leaders, Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta (L) and National Liberal Party leader Crin Antonescu (R) is posted on a block of flats in Bucharest,Romania on December 8, 2012. Romania votes in parliamentary elections on December 9,2012, with the ruling centre-left coalition poised for victory after months of bitter feuding with its arch-rival President Traian Basescu. It will be Romania's first national vote since a failed attempt by Ponta's ruling Social-Liberal Union party (SLU) this summer to unseat centre-right Basescu.. AFP PHOTO DANIEL MIHAILESCU (Photo credit should read DANIEL MIHAILESCU/AFP/Getty Images)
Rumänien Wahlen Wahlplakat USL Victor Ponta 08.12.2012图像来源: Getty Images

布加勒斯特:罗马尼亚一千八百万选民被呼吁选举新一届议会。最新的民意测验显示,总理维克托·蓬塔(Victor Ponta)所领导的中左执政联盟将获得大约60%的选票,而反对党联盟(ARD)则将只能获得15至23%的选民支持。本次议会大选是在政府同巴塞斯库总统发生争执的大背景下举行的。今年夏季,政府发起的就罢免巴塞斯库总统举行的全民公投因参选率过低被宪法法院宣布无效。如果执政联盟获得本次选举胜利,巴塞斯库总统有可能会拒绝由蓬塔领衔组阁。