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Inhabitants of Sidi Bouzid wave black religious flags and shout slogans calling for Tunisia's President Moncef Marzouki to leave on December 17, 2012, in the central town of Sidi Bouzid, cradle of the revolution that erupted exactly two years ago. Protesters hurled rocks at Marzouki and Parliament Speaker Mustapha Ben Jaafar, following a speech to mark the anniversary of the start of the revolution, the first of the Arab Spring uprisings, triggered by the self-immolation of a vegetable vendor harassed by poverty and police atrocity. AFP PHOTO / FETHI BELAID (Photo credit should read FETHI BELAID/AFP/Getty Images)
Tunesien Unruhen Sidi Bouzid图像来源: Getty Images


突尼斯成千上万人抗议该国政局以及糟糕的经济形势。抗议活动组织者表示,本·阿里2011年春被推翻后,该国情况没有得到大的改善。在突尼斯中心城市西迪布济德(Sidi Bouzid),肇事者向过渡政府总统马尔祖基和议会议长穆斯塔法·本·贾法尔等政府高级代表投掷石块,导致一个主要纪念活动被迫中断。本周一是突尼斯革命两周年纪念日。两年前,一名年轻的街头商贩以自焚表示对政府的抗议。该事件导致突尼斯全国范围内掀起抗议活动并被视为“阿拉伯之春”的开端。