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JAHRESRÜCKBLICK 2011 - A European Union flag waves accross the Parthenon of Acropolis in Athens, Greece on 03 November 2011. Political developments are extremely fluid on Thursday in Athens, a day after a high-profile meeting in Cannes between Greek PM George Papandreou and the German and French leaders, Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy, a meeting that resulted in the Papandreou government backing off a decision for a referendum in January -- ostensibly to approve a lending agreement -- and instead eyeing a referendum in December over the question of Greece's membership in the Eurozone. EPA/ORESTIS PANAGIOTOU +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
图像来源: picture-alliance/dpa


希腊主要联合执政党领导人作出书面保证,在今年4月举行的议会选举后仍履行财政紧缩及改革承诺。泛希社运主席帕潘德里欧和保守派新民主党主席萨马拉斯周三(2月15日)向欧元区的代表发出了相关信函。做出书面担保是欧盟和国际货币基金组织向希腊提供第二笔巨额拯救贷款的先决条件之一。原定今晚举行的关于希腊局势的欧元区财长会议日前被临时取消,而代之以电话磋商。欧元区主席、卢森堡首相容克解释说,此举是因为希腊方面未满足作出向该国提供总额1300亿欧元拯救资金决定的先决条件。希腊财长韦尼泽洛斯今天在雅典宣布, 至欧元区财长电话会议今晚开始之前,希腊将满足欧元区国家提出的所有先决条件。此外,雅典政府今年还必须追加节约3.25亿欧元。