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American citizens rally in Islamabad, Pakistan against drone attacks in Pakistani tribal belt, Friday, Oct. 5, 2012. A group of American anti-war activists are in Pakistan with plans to join a “march” into the country’s tribal belt to protest U.S. drone strikes in the rugged northwest territory. Their presence has energized some Pakistanis, but it also has added to concerns that Islamist militants will target the weekend event. (Foto:B.K. Bangash/AP/dapd)
Protestzug gegen US-Drohnenangriffe in Pakistan图像来源: AP


巴基斯坦民众开始上街游行,抗议美国军队使用无人驾驶飞机发动袭击。媒体报道称,有数百人参加了此次游行,其中包括西方和平主义活动人士。带领民众游行的是当地曾经的板球明星,反对派政治家卡恩(Imran Khan)。他表示,世界必须知道美国的无人驾驶飞机在发动袭击的过程中都造成了怎样的附带损害。美国在该地区与伊斯兰分子战斗的过程中经常使用无人驾驶飞机。这样的袭击时常会造成无辜平民丧生。