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A sign, which reads: "Leave", is pictured on a barbed wire barricade guarding the presidential palace in Cairo, as Republican Guard soldiers stand in line behind the barricade December 7, 2012. Tens of thousands of Egyptian protesters surged around the presidential palace on Friday and the opposition rejected Mursi's call for dialogue to end a crisis that has polarised the nation and sparked deadly clashes. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany (EGYPT - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS)
Ägypten Soldaten der republikanischen Garde图像来源: Reuters


埃及军方向穆斯林兄弟会以及自由派和无宗教派系发出呼吁,希望各方能够在围绕宪法新草案展开的冲突中实现调解。军方的发言人在通过当地广播电视发表的一份声明中表示,暴力不是解决问题的途径。他指出,军队必须捍卫国家利益,保证国家机关能够正常运转。历史中,埃及军队一直忠于捍卫总统的权力。埃及伊斯兰派系总统穆尔西(Mohammed Mursi)计划于12月15日举行新宪法草案的全民公决。反对派对此极不赞成,并拒绝了总统希望于本周六展开对话的意愿。当地时间周五至周六晚间,又有数千名反对派支持者在开罗举行反对新宪法草案的示威活动。