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Australia's Prime Minister Julia Gillard speaks at the national press club in Canberra, Australia, Thursday, July 15, 2010. Australia's government bolstered its economic credentials ahead of looming elections by releasing new treasury data Wednesday that showed its reversal on a promised mining tax had not diminished its budget forecasts. The latest figures are even better than the treasury's last budget outlook, released in May, which showed Australia's finances would be back in surplus in the 2012-13 fiscal year despite billions of dollars in government stimulus spending to avoid recession. The improvement, largely due to soaring prices for Australian energy and mineral exports, is expected to come despite Prime Minister Julia Gillard abandoning plans to introduce a 40 percent tax on mining companies' burgeoning profits.(AP Photo/Mark Graham)
吉拉德总理图像来源: AP


澳大利亚计划从阿富汗提前撤军。该国总理吉拉德周二(4月17日)在堪培拉表示,规模为1550人的澳大利亚驻军中的大多数明年就可以回国,比原计划提前一年。按照北约原定计划,国际驻阿富汗安全援助部队应在2014年底完全结束在阿军事行动,由阿富汗安全力量全面接管国家安全责任。吉拉德总理今天表示,阿富汗军队已经拥有提前接管和保障国家安全的能力。在参与国际驻阿安全援助使命的近12年中,共有33名澳大利亚军人丧生。澳大利亚反对派指控吉拉德提前撤军的计划带有政治目的,意在下次选举。前驻伊拉克澳军司令莫兰(Jim Molan)少将在接受媒体采访时对提前撤军提出警告。他指出,提前撤军将带来巨大风险,抵抗武装有可能击垮政府军。