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Netherlands' Prime Minister Mark Rutte arrives at a ceremony for the victims of a bus crash in Switzerland, at the Sint Pieters church in Leuven March 22, 2012. A bus carrying a Belgian school party home from a ski trip crashed into the wall of a tunnel in Sierre in the Valais region of Switzerland, killing 28 people, 22 of them children, police said on March 14. The bus transported 52 people, mostly school children from Heverlee and Lommel in Belgian Flanders. REUTERS/Pool/BELGA/Benoit Doppagne Yorick Jansens (BELGIUM - Tags: DISASTER TRANSPORT)
圖片來源: Reuters


德國國際通訊社報導,周一(4月23日),位於海牙的荷蘭政府新聞辦公室宣佈,因財政緊縮政策的談判破裂,荷蘭首相馬克‧呂特(Mark Rutte)及其內閣成員已向荷蘭女王提交了辭呈。馬克呂特是在與荷蘭女王貝婭特麗克絲的一次會面時提出的辭職。女王接受了這一辭呈並表示,會對他的這一申請進行考量,在做出決定前,馬克‧呂特將繼續率領內閣處理政務工作.