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A British Army Chinook helicopter comes in to the landing zone at Nawzad, Afghanistan, to pick up troops from the Helman Task Force, having completed their mission, in this photo taken earlier this week and released Thursday 03 August 2006 by the Ministry of Defence. Since mid-May the UK-led Helmand Task Force has maintained a presence in Nawzad as part of a UN-authorised, NATO-led mission and as part of the US-led international coalition. EPA/Corporal Mike Fletcher UK AND IRELAND OUT -- CROWN COPYRIGHT RESERVED EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: picture-alliance/ dpa

英國國防大臣哈蒙德(Philip Hammond)周日表示,他計劃明年將數千名英國士兵從阿富汗撤回。哈蒙德在接受英國廣播公司(BBC)採訪,回答有關阿富汗撤軍的問題時表示,明年從該國撤回的軍人將有數千名,而不是數百名。但他補充說,他不認為英國將把駐阿部隊的多數在明年撤出。到今年年底,英國計劃從阿富汗撤回500名士兵,屆時,還將有9000名英國士兵留駐。英國將在2014年年底之前撤出在阿富汗的所有戰鬥部隊。