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A Somali woman who was displaced from her home village due to one of the harshest droughts affecting the region in the past 60 years, washes clothes near the bullet riddled wall of a mosque in a neighborhood of Somalia's capital Mogadishu on August 15, 2011. This neighborhood saw fierce fighting between armed extremist insurgents belonging to Al-Shebab and pro-government soldiers and fighters vying for power in the city. The Al-Shebab who until recently controlled part of this neighborhood left the city a few weeks ago. Many of the Somali's who were displaced by the famine affecting the region moved into the neighborhood and are now living in makeshift shelters among the ruins. Over 100,000 people have fled into Somalia's famine-hit and war-torn capital in the past two months in search of food, water and medicine. Some 12 million people in parts of Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda and Somalia are in danger of starvation in the wake of the region's worst drought in decades. War-wracked Somalia is the country hardest hit by the Horn of Africa's drought, with five areas declared to be experiencing famine. AFP PHOTO/ROBERTO SCHMIDT (Photo credit should read ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP/Getty Images)
圖片來源: AFP/Getty Images

(德國之聲中文網)房間內的牆壁糊著壁紙,給人一種溫暖的感覺。不大的房間內擺放著兩張床。4個月前莎麗法(Sharifa Mohamed)初到這裡時,她簡直不敢想像這一切是真的。那時候她還陷於絕望之中。直到今天,這位28歲的婦女還難以啟齒講述她的遭遇。現在,只有在索馬利亞援助機構"拯救索馬利亞婦女和兒童"的這間溫馨的小房間裡,她才有勇氣講述4個月前的一個晚上發生的事情。她回憶說:"當時天已黑,大約是晚上10點左右。我想出去給孩子買些吃的。當我來到一個露天售貨攤時,突然有3個男人站在我面前,將我拽到一個黑暗的牆角。"

Islamic Militia with guns patrol the street of Mogadishu in this Saturday, July 1 2006 file picture. A top official in Somalia's Islamic militia said Wednesday July 19 2006 that his forces will soon seize the base of the country's internationally recognized but powerless government. The Islamic fighters seized the town of Bur Haqaba and were continuing toward Baidoa, some 60 kilometers (37 miles) away, witnesses said Wednesday. (AP Photo/Mohamed Sheikh Nor)
索馬利亞刑事犯罪事件經常發生圖片來源: AP




警察無用 求救救助組織

雖然一年前哈桑‧謝赫‧馬哈茂德( Hassan Sheikh Mohamud )當選為索馬利亞合法總統,而且多年來包括德國在內的很多國家出資支持索馬利亞建設警察部隊,但是由於該國20多年處於無政府狀態,迄今索馬利亞警察仍沒有運作能力而且腐敗。老百姓認為遇到緊急情況警察幫不了忙,能起幫助作用的是其他援救組織。莎麗法說:"第二天上午,在救助營內,3個婦女來到我們面前問寒問暖,問我們是否需要幫助。"

這三位婦女是援助機構"拯救索馬利亞婦女和兒童"的成員。莎麗法在這裡受到醫療和心理治療。該組織也為受害者提供法律幫助。該組織在摩加迪沙開展救助工作以來,已經有近1300位婦女來這裡請求幫助。在該組織工作的伊布拉希米(Fartuma Ibrahimi)說:"來這裡尋求幫助者來自各個年齡段,從4歲到80歲,不僅僅是女孩子,而且還有男孩。"

One of the largest Internal Displaced camps in Mogadishu where hundred families live in hard condition when they fled from drought hit some southern region of Somalia Somali displaced mother and her child in front of her makeshift house in Medina district on Tuesday September 6, 2011.
貧民窟居民常成為暴力受害者圖片來源: DW



作者:Bettina Rühl 編譯:李京慧
