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epa02580901 An undated handout photograph released by the Egyptian Ministery of State of Antiquities Affairs on 13 February 2011, shows a limestone statue of Akhenaten holding an offering table, one of the ancient objects missing from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Egypt. Eight artifacts from the collection of ancient king Tutankhamun were missing from the Egyptian museum in Cairo during the recent nationwide unrest that led to President Hosny Mubarak's resignation, the Ministry of Antiquities said 13 February 2011. A review of antiquities in the aftermath of the protests has also found that 70 objects were broken, of which 25 are now being restored, with work to begin soon on the rest. EPA/MINISTERY OF STATE ANTIQUITIES AFFAIRS/HANDOUT BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE EDITORIAL USE ONLY +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
神秘寶藏圖坦卡蒙展覽圖片來源: picture alliance/dpa
