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每日報摘 2012年8月28日


《商報》周一刊登被視為德國最優秀中國問題專家之一的西倫(Frank Sieren)的評論,分析美中兩國在太平洋地區的戰略爭奪。該文指出,北京選擇商品而非軍火,打破美國曾經的壟斷地位,並顯然相當成功。

Both the American and Chinese national flags fly outside the hotel where U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will stay next week in Beijing on August 12, 2011. Biden will visit China's capital in the wake of the country's pointed criticism of Washington's failure to solve its debt crisis. UPI/Stephen Shaver Photo via Newscom picture alliance
圖片來源: dapd
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