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European Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht addresses a news conference at the EU Commission headquarters in Brussels February 13, 2013. The European Union and the United States should be able to start free trade negotiations by the end of June, the European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said on Wednesday. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir (BELGIUM - Tags: BUSINESS POLITICS)
EU Karel De Gucht PK Handel mit der USA圖片來源: Reuters

德新社本周六(7月27日)報導稱,中國和歐盟在太陽能產品進口的貿易之爭中達成一致,結束糾紛。經過數周"拔河式"的談判後,雙方就中國向歐盟出口太陽能產品的最低價格達成一致。歐盟貿易專員德古赫特( De Gucht)公佈了上述消息,並聲稱雙方已經找到了"友好的解決方案"。歐盟曾指責中國的光伏產品製造商將其產品以低於市場價格廉價傾銷,原本準備向中國進口產品徵收長久的懲罰性關稅,而中國方面也曾宣佈對歐盟的鋼管及葡萄酒等產品展開反傾銷調查,雙方一度面對貿易戰不斷升級的風險。