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epa03630434 A protester is seen during the rally against the ratification of a one-off tax in front of the Cyprus parliament in Nicosia, Cyprus, 18 March 2013. The Cyprus parliament has been postponed until 19 March on ratification of a one-off tax on bank deposits, following a postponement to allow for consultations. The measure is part of a 10-billion-euro (13-billion-dollar) eurozone bailout for the Mediterranean island agreed in Brussels last week. President Nicos Anastasiades warned that without a bailout the financial sector would collapse, plunging Cyprus into bankruptcy. EPA/FILIP SINGER
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


歐元集團贊同塞普勒斯銀行小儲戶不必交納特別金。歐元集團主席戴塞爾布盧姆(Jeroen Dijsselbloem)周一(3月18日)晚間在歐元區成員國財長電話會議後表示,歐元集團仍然認為,應區別對待小儲戶和大儲戶,10萬歐元以下存款應有完全保障。歐元集團建議,拯救塞普勒斯框架內的強迫納款規定不應包括存款數量不到10萬歐元的小儲戶。戴塞爾布魯姆表示,雖然最終決定權在塞普勒斯政府手中,但小儲戶無論如何都將得到「減負」,塞普勒斯政府將採取比上周六所達成的更大的「累進制」做法,前提是,歐元區國家所提供救助資金減少至100億歐元的保證繼續有效。上周五深夜,歐元區財政部長就總額為100億歐元的拯救塞普勒斯方案達成一致。根據這一方案,所有塞普勒斯銀行客戶須交納特別金,以10萬歐元為界,比例分別為6.75%和9.9%。這一決定尤其在小儲戶中引發憤怒和抗議。