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(From L to R) Italy's Prime Minister Enrico Letta, Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaite and Netherlands' Prime Minister Mark Rutte attend an European Union leaders summit in Brussels October 25, 2013. German Chancellor Merkel demanded on Thursday that the United States strike a "no-spying" agreement with Berlin and Paris by the end of the year, saying alleged espionage against two of Washington's closest EU allies had to be stopped. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir (BELGIUM - Tags: POLITICS)
圖片來源: Reuters

德國總理梅克爾建議在歐盟各國之間也簽訂「反間諜協議」。一位德國聯邦政府發言人證實,梅克爾總理已經在布魯塞爾的歐盟峰會上提出了這一動議。德國不僅希望和美國簽署互不進行間諜活動的協議,還希望歐盟夥伴之間也能達成這樣的共識。歐盟委託梅克爾和法國總統奧朗德一道與美國方面交涉,澄清美國國家安全局(NSA)的監聽醜聞。此外,德國還計劃與巴西合作,在聯合國大會上遞交一份相關的國際協議草案,旨在擴大網路上的政治和公民權利範圍。根據媒體曝光,巴西總統羅塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)和德國總理梅克爾的手機都曾受到美國國家安全局的監聽。