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Former Czech Prime Minister and presidential candidate Milos Zeman talks to journalists on January 12, 2013 in his headquarters in Prague. Leftist ex-premier Milos Zeman and Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg will face off in the January 25-26 presidential runoff in the country's first-ever direct vote for a head of state, final results showed Saturday. AFP PHOTO / STRINGER (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)
Tschechien - Präsident Milos Zeman圖片來源: Getty Images

捷克共和國第二輪總統選舉投票工作已經結束。98%的票數統計顯示,隸屬於左翼平民黨派的前總理澤曼(Milos Zeman)已經贏得了大約55%的選票,將成為下一任捷克共和國總統。其對手——保守派外長施瓦辛貝格(Karl Schwarzenberg)的支持率為45%,已經沒有任何勝選的機會。施瓦辛貝格是因奉行節約政策而不受歡迎的中間偏右政府的副手。而獲勝的澤曼作為左翼黨的候選人,主張參考北歐國家實現富強的道路治理國家。對於捷克國民來說,這是他們歷史上第一次有權直接選出總統。