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Afghan policemen and foreign soldiers with the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) salute during the ceremony of hand over control for security in Bamiyan, west of Kabul, Afghanistan Sunday, July 17 2011. International military forces on Sunday handed over control for security in peaceful Bamiyan province to Afghanistan's police, one of seven areas that will transfer this month in a process that aims to hand full responsibility to the government by the end of 2014. (Foto:Mohammad Bashir/AP/dapd)
圖片來源: dapd


繼澳洲之后,紐西蘭也考慮提前從阿富汗撤軍。紐西蘭國家電台周三(4月18日)報導說,駐紮在巴米揚省的一個戰後重建小組的140名紐西蘭官兵有可能在2014年之前就回國。惠靈頓政府拒絕就相關報導表示態度。正在布魯塞爾出席北約成員國外交與國防部長會議的紐西蘭外長麥卡利(Murray McCully)僅證實,巴米揚省可能是阿富汗武裝力量首先接管安全責任的省份之一。澳洲总理吉拉德昨天表示,鑑於阿富汗武裝力量有能力提前接管對國家的安全責任,駐阿澳洲军队可以提前撤走。根據吉拉德的計劃,規模為1550人的駐阿澳軍在明年年底前即可完成撤離任務,比北約的計劃提前一年。阿富汗使命是周三北約布魯塞爾部長聯席會議的中心議題。