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epa02614306 Egyptian senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood Khairat al-Shater (C) greets supporters as he joins tens of thousands of Egyptians gathered in Tahrir square, Cairo, Egypt, 04 March 2011. Protests continued in Cairo despite announcment by the Egyptian Armed Forces on 03 March appointing Sharaf to replace the controversial Ahmed Shafiq. Demonstrators are waiting for the rest of their demands to be met, including the release of all political prisoners and the lifting of the state of emergency. EPA/MOHAMED OMAR
埃及穆斯林兄弟會副主席謝特(Chairat al-Schater)與支持者圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

與先前的表態不同,埃及穆斯林兄弟會將推出自己的候選人參加總統競選。埃及這一最強大、組織最嚴密的政治組織宣佈,將推出副主席謝特(Chairat al-Schater)參加5月的總統大選。這位62歲的企業家很有希望成為去年被推翻的穆巴拉克總統的繼任。目前當政的軍事委員會將在選舉後向新總統交權。穆斯林兄弟會曾多次宣佈不會提名自己的候選人參選。對於目前的態度轉變,該組織表示,這是因為 "埃及的民主進程受到威脅"。