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Egypt's new President Mohamed Mursi (R) listens to the national anthem before speaking at Cairo University June 30, 2012. Mursi said on Saturday the military that took charge when Hosni Mubarak was overthrown last year had kept its promise to hand over power, speaking at a ceremony to mark the formal transfer of authority. REUTERS/Egyptian Presidency/Handout (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
圖片來源: Reuters

(德國之聲中文網)比計劃中推遲了約2個小時,本周六(6月30日)當地時間下午近1點鐘,埃及新當選總統穆爾西在埃及最高憲法法院全體大會上正式宣誓就職。在儀式上,身穿黑色西裝、酒紅色領帶、白色襯衫的穆爾西宣讀了誓詞,他說: "我向真主發誓,維護共和國的秩序,尊重憲法和法律,充分保障人民的利益並維護國家獨立與安全。"

Chi 3006 Ägypten - MP3-Stereo

接受了最高憲法法院院長的祝賀之後,這位埃及首位民選總統發表了講話。國家媒體尼羅河新聞(Nile News)轉播了他的發言:"從今天開始,埃及是一個文明、立憲、現代化的國家。一個強大的國家誕生了。"

25/06/12 11:42:24 1929x2800(446kb) Muslim Brotherhood's president-elect Mohamed Morsy speaks during his first televised address to the nation in Cairo Muslim Brotherhood's president-elect Mohamed Morsy speaks during his first televised address to the nation at the Egyptian Television headquarters in Cairo June 24, 2012. Morsy's victory in Egypt's presidential election takes the Muslim Brotherhood's long power struggle with the military into a new round that will be fought inside the institutions of state themselves and may force new compromises on the Islamists. Picture taken June 24, 2012. To match Analysis EGYPT-ELECTION/STRUGGLE/ REUTERS/Stringer (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)
埃及第一位民選總統穆爾西圖片來源: Reuters



Egypt's Islamist President-elect Mohamed Mursi waves to people while surrounded by his members of the presidential guard in Cairo's Tahrir Square, June 29, 2012. Mursi took an informal oath of office on Friday before tens of thousands of supporters in Cairo's Tahrir Square, in a slap at the generals trying to limit his power. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
6月29日,穆爾西在解放廣場發表講話圖片來源: Reuters


作者:Peter Steffe(發自開羅) 編譯:文木
