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epa03777729 Supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi gather as they protest near the headquarters of the Republican Guard, in Cairo, Egypt, 06 July 2013. Latest reports say that at least 36 have been killed in clashes between Muslim Brotherhood supporters and opposers of Mohammed Morsi. EPA/KHALED ELFIQI +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Ägypten Muslimbrüder Anhänger von Ex-Präsident Mursi 06.07.2013圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa





CAIRO, EGYPT - JULY 05: Supporters of former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi burn tires along a bridge in protest over his removal by the Egyptian military on July 5, 2013 in Cairo, Egypt. Adly Mansour, chief justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court, was sworn in as the interim head of state in ceremony in Cairo in the morning of July 4, the day after Morsi was placed under house arrest by the Egyptian military and the Constitution was suspended. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
前總統穆爾西的一位支持者在一座大橋上點燃輪胎。圖片來源: Getty Images


憤怒的伊斯蘭分子出現的快,消失的也快。穆斯林兄弟會的領袖芭堤雅(Mohammed Badia)明確表示前總統穆爾西的支持者們不會輕易罷休。最初有消息稱,他已經被捕,後來他突然出現在開羅的納西爾(Nasr)城區。伊斯蘭分子幾周來一直在這裡為穆爾西吶喊助威,而現在芭堤雅用這樣的講話煽動民眾:"我們將以數百萬的規模出現在國家的每個角落。直到我們能用肩膀把我們選舉出來的穆爾西總統抬回總統府為止。"

CAIRO, EGYPT - JULY 05: People celebrate in Tahrir Square as a military helicopter flies overhead following the ousting of former President Mohammed Morsi by the Egyptian military July 5, 2013 in Cairo, Egypt. Heavy fighting around the city between members of the Muslim Brotherhood and anti-Morsi camps left numerous dead and dozens injured. Adly Mansour, chief justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court, was sworn in as the interim head of state in ceremony in Cairo in the morning of July 4, the day after Morsi was placed under house arrest by the Egyptian military and the Constitution was suspended. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
現在形勢和兩年前類似,埃及的民主路在何方?圖片來源: Getty Images


事實證明,他的這番宣戰言論將帶來破壞性影響。暴力騷亂結束後,埃及愛資哈爾大學的大穆夫提塔基卜(Ahmed al Tajjeb)於當晚出面呼籲本國國民應該緩和情緒:"我們必須共同找到走出危機的道路,這個危機像陰雲一樣籠罩在我們國家的上空。"


作者:Peter Steffe          編譯:任琛
