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A Turkish soldier is reflected on a mirror as he stands guard on top of an armoured personnel carrier on the Turkish-Syrian border near the Akcakale border crossing, southern Sanliurfa province, October 4, 2012. Turkey's parliament gave authorisation on Thursday for military operations outside Turkish borders if the government deemed them necessary, a day after artillery shelling from Syria killed five civilians in the Turkish town of Akcakale. REUTERS/Murad Sezer (TURKEY - Tags: POLITICS CONFLICT MILITARY)
Türkei Syrien Grenze Grenzposten Panzer und Soldat bei Akcakale圖片來源: Reuters

據土耳其廣播電視公司周三報導,土耳其一架戰鬥機迫使一架敘利亞客機在安卡拉降落。 土耳其外交部一名發言人證實了這一消息,但未透露細節。數家土耳其媒體報導說,這架從莫斯科飛往敘利亞的客機上可能運載了武器。但該消息尚未得到證實。土耳其廣播電視公司還報導,土耳其當局取消了前往敘利亞的航班。過去幾天,土耳其和敘利亞邊界出現交火,兩國關係緊張。