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North Korean soldiers stands in front of the country's Unha-3 rocket, slated for liftoff between April 12-16, at Sohae Satellite Station in Tongchang-ri, North Korea on Sunday April 8, 2012. North Korean space officials have moved a long-range rocket into position for this week's controversial satellite launch, vowing Sunday to push ahead with their plans in defiance of international warnings against violating a ban on missile activity. (Foto:David Guttenfelder/AP/dapd)
北韓導彈發射裝置圖片來源: dapd

北韓警告美國,其導彈射程完全可以抵達美國本土。北韓全國和平委員會一名成員周三在一官方網站上發表文章說,北韓的戰略導彈可以抵達美國大陸。北韓是一個「完全獨立的導彈和核武器國家。」早在去年10月,北韓就宣佈它擁有射程可達美國的導彈。韓國專家們稱其是在虛張聲勢。 2月份北韓進行了第三次核試驗。大多數西方專家認為,北韓確實在核技術取得了長足的進步,但仍然不具備製造配備有效核彈頭的洲際彈道導彈的能力。