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An Iranian soldier stands in front of a poster of a boot trampling the Israeli flag as Iranians rally in Teheran, Iran, during nationwide state-organised demonstrations to mark 'Quds Day' (Jerusalem Day) on 05 October 2007. The late leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, had declared the last Friday of the fasting month of Ramadan to be 'Quds Day', intended to be a day to call for the liberation of Jerusalem from Israeli occupation. After Mecca in Saudi Arabia, Jerusalem, or Quds in Arabic, is the holiest place for Muslims. EPA/ABEDIN TAHERKENAREH +++(c) dpa - Report+++
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


在以色列總理納坦雅胡在聯合國大會上發表措詞嚴厲講話後,伊朗當局表示,一旦受到進攻,伊朗就將進行報復。據英國廣播公司周五(9月28日)報導,伊朗駐聯合國副大使哈比卜(Eschagh al-Habib)指出,伊朗足夠強大,可以自衛,伊朗保留全力回擊任何侵略的權利。哈比卜抨擊納坦雅胡对伊朗進行「無端指控」。納坦雅胡日前在聯大一般性辯論大會上發言時警告說,德黑蘭最晚至2013年夏季將生產出用於製造核彈的足夠數量濃縮鈾。他呼籲國際社會對伊朗核計劃劃下一條不得超越的「紅線」。他稱,「紅線不導致戰爭,而是阻止戰爭」。