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Participants from the U.S., Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany prepare to start talks with Iranian negotiators in Almaty April 5, 2013. World powers will urge Iran on Friday to accept their offer to ease some economic sanctions if it stops its most sensitive nuclear work, in talks aimed at easing tensions that threaten to boil over into war. REUTERS/Ilyas Omarov/Pool (KAZAKHSTAN - Tags: POLITICS)
Verhandlungen über das iranische Atomprogramm in Kasachstan圖片來源: Reuters

有關伊朗核計劃的談判得以繼續。據德新社報導,國際社會和伊朗方面的代表周五在哈薩克斯坦主要城市阿拉木圖舉行會談。德黑蘭的法斯通訊社報導稱,德國外長韋斯特韋勒和伊朗外長薩利希(Ali-Akbar Salehi)在周四晚間已經通了電話。兩位外長一致強調,希望在阿拉木圖進行的談判能夠取得建設性的結果,"開始向前邁步"。所謂的伊朗核談判5+1集團(聯合國五個常任理事國加上德國)期待在2月底的上一次會談中提出的建議能夠得到伊朗方面的明確回復。據悉,該六方已經放棄使伊朗關閉在福爾多的鈾濃縮設施的要求,而僅僅敦促伊朗降低該設施的產能。