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A Palestinian woman reacts in front of a destroyed house after an Israeli air strike in Gaza City November 19, 2012. Hostilities between Islamist militants and Israel entered a sixth day on Monday as diplomatic efforts were set to intensify to try to stop rocket fire from the Gaza Strip and Israeli air strikes on Gaza. International pressure for a ceasefire seemed certain to mount after the deadliest single incident in the flare-up on Sunday claimed the lives of at least 11 Palestinian civilians, including four children. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem (GAZA - Tags: MILITARY POLITICS CONFLICT)
圖片來源: Reuters


在國際社會加緊斡旋的同時,以巴武裝衝突繼續。今天(11月19日)早晨,在以軍對空襲加薩地帶的空襲中又有7名巴勒斯坦人喪生。據巴方稱,從上周三爆發衝突以來,已有至少90名巴勒斯坦人死亡,700人受傷。以方稱,到今天早晨止,以色列境內已遭到約1000枚火箭彈的攻擊。作為同意停火的條件,以色列和掌控加薩地帶的極端伊斯蘭組織哈馬斯均要求對方首先停止武裝行動。另據德新社報導,前以色列駐德國大使施泰恩(Shimon Stein)今天在接受德國電台採訪時警告以色列進軍加薩地帶。他強調,進軍容易,撤軍難,人們並不清楚哈馬斯的目的何在,眼下局勢撲簌迷離。