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十八大召開 訪民遭殃



Petitioners chant their grievances outside the Beijing No. 1 People's Intermediate Court in Beijing Thursday, April 3, 2008. Chinese civil rights activist Hu Jia was sentenced at the court to 3 1/2 years in jail on subversion charges Thursday in a decision that drew international criticism ahead of the Beijing Olympic Games. (AP Photo/Greg Baker)
圖片來源: AP


維權網(Chinese Human Rights Defenders)報導稱,來自河南的訪民張耀東兩周前在北京被拘押期間被毆打致死。據報導,張耀東與其他幾位訪民在北京被警察檢查證件後就被拘押,後轉交給河南駐京機關。11月5日,張耀東在一輛麵包查上遭到截訪人員毆打,後因傷重死亡。




A police officer shuts the window to prevent a petitioner show her human rights complaints after they herded onto a public city bus during a protest outside the Foreign Ministry building in Beijing, Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2008. Two dozen people held a bold protest outside China's Foreign Ministry, using the 60th anniversary of the declaration of human rights to decry a myriad of alleged government abuses. (AP Photo/Andy Wong)
訪民進京也無處討說法圖片來源: AP




此外,設在香港的中國人權民運訊息中心(Information Centre for Human Rights and Democracy)報導,安徽訪民徐晚霞11月8日在北京被逮捕,6天後,當局宣佈53歲的徐晚霞在安徽死亡。據悉死者身上有多處傷痕,因此家人相信她是被毆打致死。根據徐晚霞2005年在網上發表的文章,在安徽黃山市務農的她家,因抗拒當地政府強行徵地,受到鄉鎮幹部的威脅逼迫,丈夫於2006年服毒自殺。徐晚霞此後走上了上訪之路。

A man takes a picture next to a paramilitary police officer in front of the Great Hall of the People at Beijing's Tiananmen Square, November 7, 2012. Just days before the party's all-important congress opens, China's stability-obsessed rulers are taking no chances and have combed through a list all possible threats, avian or otherwise. Their list includes bus windows being screwed shut and handles for rear windows in taxis -- to stop subversive leaflets being scattered on the streets -- plus balloons and remote control model planes. The goal is to ensure an image of harmony as President Hu Jintao prepares to transfer power as party leader to anointed successor Vice President Xi Jinping at the congress, which starts on Thursday. REUTERS/Carlos Barria (CHINA - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
十八大前的目標: 零上訪圖片來源: Reuters



