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epa03025624 A view of the logo at the front building of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Mandaluyong City, east of Manila, Philippines, 06 December 2011. The ADB on 06 December downgraded its growth forecast for emerging East Asia next year amid a worsening euro debt crisis and a fragile US economy. The Manila-based ADB said East Asia's economy was now expected to expand at a slower rate of 7.2 per cent in 2012, down from its September forecast of 7.5 per cent. EPA/ROLEX DELA PENA +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


10年內,亞洲將有4億人的生存因海平面升高受到威脅。亞洲開發銀行今天(8月15日)公佈一份報告,提出了這一擔心。亞洲開發銀行在報告中預期,未來30年內,亞洲還將有11億人遷入大多位於海岸線附近的都市,從而使受到海平面升高帶來的生存威脅的人口數量繼續擴大。報告呼籲,亞洲必須緊急制定都市綠色持續性發展目標。亞行首席經濟師李昌鏞(Changyong Rhee)指出,垃圾山、污濁空氣和不斷擴大的貧民窟現象都是亞洲都市人口急劇增加給環境帶來壓力的表現,亞洲面臨的挑戰就是,作出扭轉這一趨勢的政治決定。