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This photo posted on the website freejamesfoley.org shows journalist James Foley in Aleppo, Syria, in September, 2012. The family of an American journalist says he went missing in Syria more than one month ago while covering the civil war there. A statement released online Wednesday by the family of James Foley said he was kidnapped in northwest Syria by unknown gunmen on Thanksgiving day. (AP Photo/Manu Brabo, freejamesfoley.org) NO SALES
James Foley Journalist Reporter Libyen圖片來源: dapd


一名美國戰地記者在敘利亞遭到綁架。據家人周三透露,39歲的詹姆斯‧福雷(James Foley)其實在去年11月底就已經在敘利亞西北部被不明身份者劫持,至今下落不明。福雷是一名自由記者,為法新社提供戰地新聞報導。據悉,這名記者在2011年的時候也曾在利比亞擔任戰地記者,同年4月他和另外兩名記者被當時的卡扎菲政府軍俘虜了六個星期之久,一名南非攝影記者在囚禁期間被開槍打死。