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"七一"來臨,中共內外交困 血腥事件後,新疆安保升級 「維基解密」之斯諾登篇:盟友相惜? 中東水源之爭 解決之道何在?

-This picture taken from a plane on 13 August 2012 shows the landscape of the mountain range of Tianshan Mountains in northwest Chinas Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. UNESCOs World Heritage Committee added Tianshan area in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to the World Heritage List as a natural site. Tianshan is a serial property totaling 606,833 hectares consisting of four components along the 1,760-kilometer Tianshan mountain range. It is a temperate arid zone surrounded by Central Asian deserts, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The area contains a beautiful series of spectacular snow-capped mountains and glacier-capped peaks, undisturbed forests and meadows, clear rivers and lakes, canyons and vast deserts. The site is home to 15,953 glaciers and the endangered snow leopard. About 66 percent of the worlds 2,500 remaining snow leopards live in Xinjiang.
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa
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