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In this picture taken on July 16, 2011, Pakistani health official Zafeer Ahmed talks to reporters in his office in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Ahmed says 17 health workers have been fired for allegedly participating in a CIA scheme to confirm the presence of Osama bin Laden in a northwestern town. 16 women and one man, were dismissed because they failed to inform authorities they were helping Pakistani doctor Shakil Afridi with a fake vaccination program meant to obtain the al-Qaida chief's DNA, Ahmed said. (Foto:Aqeel Ahmed/AP/dapd)
圖片來源: dapd


美國國會參議院審議委員會日前(5月24日)全票表決同意削減對巴基斯坦援助資金3300萬美元,以抗議該國判處幫助美國鎖定前基地組織頭目本拉登藏身之處的阿弗裡迪醫生(Shakeel Afridi)33年監禁。根據該委員會所通過的法案,未來33年內,只要阿弗裡迪醫生依然繫獄,美國就將每年削減對巴援助經費100萬美元。美國目前對巴援助金總額為10億美元。本周三,阿弗裡迪大夫被巴基斯坦西北邊境省一個部落法庭以叛國罪判處33年監禁,並被課以約值2700歐元的罰款。受美國中央情報局之托,阿弗裡迪去年在阿博塔巴德地區主持進行接種疫苗活動,以獲取被懷疑在當地藏身的本拉登的基因材料。美國參議院本周三已要求巴基斯坦當局赦免並「立即」釋放阿弗裡迪大夫。