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Israeli Foreign Minister and leader of the Kadima party Tzipi Livni, left, and Likud Party leader Benjamin Netanyahu, right, shake hands during a meeting in Jerusalem, Sunday, Feb. 22, 2009. Israel's outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called on hard-line Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu to form a new government quickly as coalition bargaining began to shift into high gear Sunday. The question is whether Netanyahu will form a narrow coalition with his hard-line allies or a broad centrist coalition with his rival, Kadima Party leader Tzipi Livni. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)
圖片來源: AP


美聯社消息,以色列總理納坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanjahu)委託前外長利夫尼(Tzipi Livni)與巴勒斯坦方進行和平談判。利夫尼是反對黨派前進黨的領導人之一,曾於2006至2009年擔任以色列外交部長,並在此期間和巴勒斯坦當局保持了良好的關係。今年54歲的利夫尼還將被任命為司法部長。她被委託與巴方談判可能是納坦雅胡对巴勒斯坦轉變態度的一個訊號。