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每日報摘 2012年6月13日


美國製片人麗莎•凱西(Lisa Cathey)製作的紀錄片《中央情報局在西藏》說的是上世紀五、六十年代美國中情局在美國訓練藏人並派遣他們返回西藏進行遊擊戰的情況,它引起了德國媒體的廣泛重視。摘自《南德意志報》、《法蘭克福匯報》、《明鏡周刊》

Image #: 11984570 The old entrance of the Central Intelligence Agency Headquarters displaying the seal of the CIA on the floor, September 21, 2010. In the background (right) is the Memorial Wall which currently has 102 stars engraved for each member of the agency that gave of his/her life in the line of duty. Names of those are listed in the book below, with a 37 not being listed and will remain Secret for the nature of the work they were doing. Greg E. Mathieson Sr./MAI /Landov
圖片來源: picture-alliance/Landov
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