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FILE - In this Nov. 4, 2005 file photo panda Bao Bao eats a cake he received for his 25th anniversary at the Berlin zoo in Berlin, Germany. The Berlin zoo says Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2012, Bao Bao, who was given to West Germany by China in 1980 and was one of the world's oldest giant pandas, has died. The zoo said the 34-year-old bear died early Wednesday in his enclosure after his health deteriorated over the last several months. (Foto:Franka Bruns File/AP/dapd)
Bildergalerie Pandadiplomatie圖片來源: AP


據德新社報導,兩歲的大熊貓"福虎"在周二到周三夜間離開維也納美泉動物園(Tiergarten Schönbrunn),啟程返回中國。"福虎"和它的哥哥"福龍"是僅有的兩只在歐洲動物園靠自然繁殖方式誕生的大熊貓。據悉,福虎回到中國之後將居住在臥龍大熊貓保護研究中心,而它的哥哥福龍2009年起就生活在那裡了。雖然這兩只大熊貓是在歐洲降生,但它們仍然屬於中國所有,必須在滿兩歲之後返回。福龍和福虎的父母,是2003年中國租借給維也納的大熊貓,它們將繼續留在奧地利生活。