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Pope Benedict XVI washes the feet of 12 priests in a ceremony commemorating Christ's gesture of humility toward his apostles on the night before he died, at the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome April 5, 2012. Pope Benedict on Thursday re-stated the Roman Catholic Church's ban on women priests and warned that he would not tolerate disobedience by clerics on fundamental teachings. REUTERS/Claudio Peri/Pool (ITALY - Tags: RELIGION)
羅馬天主教皇圖片來源: Reuters


教皇本篤十六世周六晚上將在羅馬聖彼得大教堂主持復活節守夜彌撒。預計將有成千上萬的朝聖者參加紀念耶穌復活的儀式。 周日在聖彼得廣場舉行的盛大彌撒將是整個復活節慶祝活動的高潮。周五, 本篤十六世主持了莊嚴的彌撒紀念耶穌受難日。當天晚上,成千上萬的人同教皇一起重溫了耶穌受難之路。