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epa03195704 About 250 German NATO peacekeepers arrive by plane at Pristina's airport, Kosovo, 25 April 2012, as part of 700 troops sent to reinforce soldiers the NATO peacekeeping mission in Kosovo (KFOR) as upcoming polls in Serbia have raised tensions. Tensions rose after Serbia announced plans to hold elections in northern Kosovo. The north has been hit by a spate of violent attacks in recent weeks, the worst a bomb attack two weeks ago which killed one of the few Albanians living in the northern Serb enclave. The reinforcements come shortly after NATO reduced its presence in Kosovo to 5,300 troops, 1,300 of them from Germany. EPA/VALDRIN XHEMAJ
圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa


聯邦德國將繼續參與北約領導的駐科索沃國際安全部隊(KFOR)。聯邦議院周五(5月25日)在唱名表決中以壓倒多數通過延長聯邦國防軍在科索沃使命一年法案。德國在科索沃駐軍規模將繼續保持1850人的上限。在表決前進行的議會辯論中,聯合執政的自民黨議會黨團外交政策發言人施蒂默(Rainer Stimmer)強調,有關科索沃在國際法上的地位,歐盟應採取統一立場。基民盟和綠黨議員也表達了相同態度。在總共27個歐盟成員國中,西班牙、希臘、斯洛伐克、羅馬尼亞和塞普勒斯迄今不承認科索沃為主權獨立國家。