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Greek national flags wave behind a statue, placed in the Greek Parliament during talks between officials from New Democracy, PASOK and the Democratic Left parties to form a coalition government, that would stave off the debt-crippled country's bankruptcy, in Athens, Tuesday, June 19 2012. Rival Greek party leaders were locked in a second day of power-sharing talks on Tuesday, with two potential minority partners voicing hope that a pro-bailout coalition government can be quickly formed after the debt-crippled country's second inconclusive election in six weeks. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)
Griechenland Symbolbild Flaggen圖片來源: AP

希臘新政府的海事部副部長韋爾尼科斯(Giorgos Vernikos)也宣佈辭職。據此前的媒體消息稱,這位內閣成員在太平洋的馬紹爾群島擁有一家離岸企業。根據希臘的法律,這樣的企業家是不能擔任政府職務的。離岸公司一般都註册在一些稅收非常低的國家。這已經是希臘新內閣的第二位成員辭職了。此前,雅典政府宣佈,在拉帕諾斯(Vasilios Rapanos)因身體原因辭去財長職務之後,由55歲的經濟學家斯圖爾納拉斯(Giannis Stournaras)接任這一職位。