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epa03047977 Pakistani security forces secure the scene of a bomb blast in Landi Kotal, Khyber tribal region near the Afghan border in Pakistan, 03 January 2012. A bomb exploded in Landi Kotal bazar on 03 January targeting convoy of tribal security forces, killing three soldiers and injuring 10 other people including school boys. Reports state that the bomb was allegedly planted by the Islamic militants Pakistani security forces has been engaged in an operation against militant groups operation in Khyber Agency. EPA/WALI KHAN SHINWARI
Bombenanschlag in Landi Kotal圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

發生在巴基斯坦西北部的炸彈襲擊事件造成了至少13人死亡,30多人受傷。據當地有關機構透露,在開伯爾省(Khyber)蘭迪科塔爾鎮(Landi Kotal)中心集市的公車站附近,一枚炸彈被引爆。目前尚無組織和個人宣稱為此次襲擊負責,但極端伊斯蘭勢力經常在該地區製造暴力事件。半自治的部落地區開伯爾省位於進入阿富汗的必經之地,被認為是基地組織的堡壘,同時也是塔利班反叛武裝的大後方。