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Caption ILLUSTRATION - Eine verbogene zypriotischen Euro-Münze ist am 22.03.2013 in Frankfurt (Oder) (Brandenburg) in einer Zange eingespannt. Foto: Patrick Pleul/dpa pixel Schlagworte .Währung , .Euro , .Münze , Münze , Währung , .Zypern , Finanzen , .EU , zyprischer , .lbn , .Finanzen
Cyprus' President Nicos Anastasiades (C) chairs a meeting with party leaders and governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus at the presidential palace in Nicosia March 20, 2013. Cyprus overwhelmingly rejected a proposed levy on bank deposits as a condition for a European bailout on Tuesday, throwing international efforts to rescue the latest casualty of the euro zone debt crisis into disarray. Europe's demand at the weekend that Cyprus break with previous EU practice and impose a levy on bank accounts caused outrage among Cypriots, who emptied bank cash machines, and unsettled financial markets. REUTERS/Yorgos Karahalis (CYPRUS - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS)
Ausschnitt: Russian Finance Minister, Anton Siluanov, attends a meeting of EU commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow, on March 22, 2013. Barroso is in Russia on the second day of his talks that touch on the Cyprus banking crisis. AFP PHOTO / KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV (Photo credit should read KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP/Getty Images)
German Chancellor and head of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Angela Merkel (L) talks with Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble before a joint parliamentary faction meeting of the CDU and its sister party, Christian Social Union (CSU) to discuss a Cyprus bailout plan in Berlin, March 22, 2013. The euro zone stands ready to help bail out Cyprus but the burden must be shared by its banks, otherwise the island's economy will collapse under its public debt, Germany's Finance Minister told a Greek newspaper on Friday. REUTERS/Thomas Peter (GERMANY - Tags: POLITICS)
Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (L) meets with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso before the "Russia and the European Union: partnership and its potential" international conference in Moscow March 21, 2013. REUTERS/Dmitry Astakhov/RIA Novosti/Pool (RUSSIA - Tags: POLITICS) ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. THIS PICTURE IS DISTRIBUTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
Employees of the Bank of Cyprus take part in a rally, in solidarity with crisis-hit Cypriots, outside the headquarters of the bank in Athens March 20, 2013. Cyprus pleaded for a new loan from Russia on Wednesday to avert a financial meltdown, after the island's parliament rejected the terms of a bailout from the EU, raising the risk of default and a bank crash. REUTERS/John Kolesidis (GREECE - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS)
2010-11-03 ZOETERMEER - **ILLUSTRATION** The National flag of Cyprus, in the capital Nicosia. ANP XTRA LEX VAN LIESHOUT
Der Schriftzug des Energieunternehmens Gasprom auf einem Hausdach in St. Petersburg. Die OAO Gazprom ist das weltweit größte Erdgasförderunternehmen und mit 110 Milliarden US-Dollar Marktkapitalisierung eines der größten Unternehmen Europas.
GettyImages 163507064 The newly elected Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades speaks during a press conference after his meeting with Greek Prime Minister in Athens on March 11, 2013. Anastasiades is in Greece on a two-day working visit. AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS (Photo credit should read ARIS MESSINIS/AFP/Getty Images)
January 24, 2011. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin holding a gold bar while visiting the Central Depository of the Bank of Russia. Georgy Luntovsky (left), first deputy chief of the Central Bank of Russia.
Cyprus' President Nicos Anastasiades and Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel (R) speak at a European Union (EU) leaders summit in Brussels March 15, 2013. European leaders gathered in Brussels on Friday with differences over austerity and how best to tackle the social costs of the debt crisis set to dominate their two-day summit. REUTERS/Laurent Dubrule (BELGIUM - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT)
Supporters of conservative Cyprus Presidential candidate Nicos Anastasiades celebrate outside a pre-election campaign bureau in Nicosia February 24, 2013. Anastasiades has sealed a convincing victory in Sunday's presidential run-off vote, according to early results, in a boost for investor hopes of a swift financial rescue for the near-bankrupt nation. Anastasiades, who favours hammering out a quick deal with foreign lenders, took 58 percent of the vote after 30 percent of the vote was counted, well ahead of Communist-backed rival Stavros Malas, who has attacked the austerity terms accompanying a rescue. REUTERS/Yorgos Karahalis (CYPRUS - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)
Cyprus presidential candidate Nicos Anastasiades of the right wing Democratic Rally party and his grandsons cast a ballot at a polling station in Limassol February 17, 2013. Cypriots went to the polls on Sunday to elect a president who will have to take responsibility for negotiating a financial rescue to save the small island nation from a bankruptcy that would reignite the euro zone debt crisis. REUTERS/Yorgos Karahalis (CYPRUS - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS)
German Chancellor Angela Merkel gestures as she arrives for a European People's Party (EEP) meeting in Cyprus' southern coastal resort of Limassol in an extraordinary summit on Friday, Jan. 11, 2013. Among the topics of discussion at the meeting hosted by the leader of Cyprus' main opposition Democratic Rally party Nicos Anastasiades will be the EU budget. Anastasiades is currently leading opinion polls as the top contender ahead of the country's Feb. 17 presidential election. Cyprus is in the midst of talks with international lenders on a bailout to rescue its ailing banking sector that sustained massive losses on bad Greek debt and loans. (Foto:Petros Karadjias/AP/dapd)
ARCHIV: Die Konzernzentrale von Standard and Poors in New York (USA) (Foto vom 09.10.11). Die Ratingagentur Standard and Poor's will die Kreditwuerdigkeit von Deutschland und Frankreich sowie von 13 weiteren europaeischen Staaten ueberpruefen. Das teilte die Agentur am Montagabend (05.12.11) nach Boersenschluss in New York mit. Im Falle einer Neubewertung koennte den betroffenen Laendern damit eine Herabstufung drohen. (zu dapd-Text) Foto: Henny Ray Abrams/AP/dapd
Ein-Euro-Münze auf Zypern-Landkarte, Haushaltsdefizit auf Zypern
Cypriot President Dimitris Christofias makes his statement to the media at the presidential palace in Nicosia, Cyprus, Friday, June 1, 2012. The president says he has tasked officials to draw up plans on how the country would deal with Greece's possible exit from the eurozone. Christofias told a news conference that conditions would be "chaotic" if debt-drowned Greece quits the euro and that the impact of such a move would be felt not only by all other countries using the currency, but all of Europe. (Foto:Petros Karadjias/AP/dapd)