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Cypriot President Dimitris Christofias makes his statement to the media at the presidential palace in Nicosia, Cyprus, Friday, June 1, 2012. The president says he has tasked officials to draw up plans on how the country would deal with Greece's possible exit from the eurozone. Christofias told a news conference that conditions would be "chaotic" if debt-drowned Greece quits the euro and that the impact of such a move would be felt not only by all other countries using the currency, but all of Europe. (Foto:Petros Karadjias/AP/dapd)
圖片來源: AP


塞普勒斯總統克里斯托菲亞斯(Dimitris Christofias)告誡本國民眾,應該做好準備在國家債務危機的背景下迎來儉樸節約的一年。他通過電視講話宣稱,將有可能推出政策增加稅收並降低薪水水準。同時,克里斯托菲亞斯表示,他領導的政府將要向造成本國財政狀況惡劣的罪人問責。他表示,如果塞普勒斯不是因為向希臘放貸而遭受了數十億的損失,現在也不需要依靠國際社會的財政支援度過難關。