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埃及抗議持續 美國密切關注



An anti-Mursi protester runs to throw a tear gas canister back during clashes with riot police at Tahrir Square in Cairo November 27, 2012. Opponents of President Mohamed Mursi rallied in Cairo's Tahrir Square for a fifth day on Tuesday, stepping up calls to scrap a decree they say threatens Egypt with a new era of autocracy.REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
Proteste in Kairo Ägypten圖片來源: Reuters


Die ägyptische Opposition wagt die Machtprobe mit Präsident Mursi: Hunderttausende Regierungskritiker haben sich am 27.11.2012 zu einer Großdemonstration gegen den Staatschef und seine umstrittenen Dekrete auf dem Tahrir-Platz in Kairo versammelt. (Foto: dapd)
開羅解放廣場11月27日舉行30萬人示威抗議活動圖片來源: dapd



Riot police use tear gas during clashes with anti-Mursi protesters at Tahrir Square in Cairo November 27, 2012. Opponents of President Mohamed Mursi rallied in Cairo's Tahrir Square for a fifth day on Tuesday, stepping up calls to scrap a decree they say threatens Egypt with a new era of autocracy. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
埃及警方動用催淚瓦斯對付示威者圖片來源: Reuters


據當地媒體報導,穆爾西的總統辦公室主任穆罕默德‧阿塔塔維(Mohammed al-Tahtawi)稱,穆爾西不會撤回憲法聲明。穆斯林兄弟會的副黨主席阿裡安(Essam al-Arian )在接受一家電視台採訪時則安撫性地表示,憲法聲明只是暫時的,新憲法生效後即將無效。穆爾西先前也稱,這些措施是暫時的,旨在"保護革命"。

FILE - In this Friday, July 13, 2012 file photo, Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi speaks to reporters during a joint news conference with Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki, unseen, at the Presidential palace in Cairo, Egypt. Egypt』s Islamist president may hail from the fiercely anti-Israeli Muslim Brotherhood, but in his first major crisis over Israel, he is behaving much like his predecessor, Hosni Mubarak:. He recalled the ambassador and engaged in empty rhetoric supporting Palestinians. Mohammed Morsi is under pressure at home to do more but he is just as wary as Mubarak about straining ties with the United States. (Foto:Maya Alleruzzo, File/AP/dapd)
埃及總統穆爾西圖片來源: AP


目前,美國方面也在密切關注埃及局勢的發展。白宮發言人卡尼(Jay Carney) 26日表示,憲法聲明僵局是埃及內部事務,只能由埃及人民通過和平民主對話的方式自己解決。美國國務院發言人維克多利亞‧紐蘭(Victoria Nuland)表示局勢正在發展,並試圖淡化外界對穆爾西將成為獨裁者的擔憂。她強調說,自從頒布新憲法聲明後,穆爾西與司法部門以及埃及其他領導人舉行了會談。但她上周也警告說,"革命的精神之一就是保證權力不得集中在任何一個人或機構手中。"紐蘭對記者表示,美方正在同多個黨派磋商,以便瞭解他們對局勢的看法。紐蘭還說,埃及正處於一個非常模糊的合法時期,各方應保持團結。她暗示說,如果埃及停止民主進程,國際社會的巨額援助恐怕將不保。

Permanent Representative of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Victoria Nuland, addresses a press confrence at the US Embassy in Kabul, 25 September 2007. Victoria Nuland, Permanent Representative of NATO and Karen P. Tandy, Administrator of the Drug Enforcment Administration (DEA) are in the Afghan capital on an official visit. AFP PHOTO/MASSOUD Hossaini (Photo credit should read MASSOUD HOSSAINI/AFP/Getty Images)
美國國務院發言人維克多利亞‧紐蘭(Victoria Nuland)圖片來源: Getty Images


來源:法新社 編譯:樂然
