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Iranian residents and rescue workers search for survivors in the rubble of a house in the village Baje-Baj, near the town of Varzaqan, on August 12, 2012, after twin earthquakes hit northwestern Iran on August 11. Iran wrapped up rescue operations in hundreds of villages flattened by twin earthquakes the day before in its northwest, as officials gave a new toll of 227 dead and 1,380 injured in the disaster. AFP PHOTO/ATTA KENARE (Photo credit should read ATTA KENARE/AFP/GettyImages)
Iran Suche nach Überlebenden圖片來源: AFP/Getty Images


伊朗發生大地震三天後,該國現在表示願意接受外國援助。伊朗副總統拉希米(Mohammed Resa Rahimi)向伊通社做出上述表示。德黑蘭政府迄今拒絕接受來自德國、美國等國的援助。據伊朗國家電視台IRIB報導,有兩名被埋在房屋廢墟中的人獲救生還。在上周六伊朗西北部發生的兩次強震中,共有300多人喪生,5000多人受傷。大約16000人流離失所。