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Reader Response

ot/shApril 30, 2009

Two readers from Mexico wrote in to ask for compassion and support as the effects of the virus spread around the globe.

mexican child with mask
The swine flu epidemic began in MexicoImage: AP

The following comments reflect the views of DW-WORLD.DE readers. Not all reader comments have been published. DW-WORLD.DE reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

Three confirmed cases of swine flu surface in EU

Given Mexico's status as a developing country, we are experiencing the effects of swine flu at a much greater magnitude. Many of Mexico's inhabitants may be malnourished, leading them to be more susceptible to the virus and can even be fatal. This should be taken into account when comparing the effects of the virus among different countries. -- Lara Arevalo, Mexico

I definitely think citizens from all over the world should step in to help support Mexico in this situation. We need more medications, equipment and even doctors. -- Jacobo Alvarez, Mexico

I am very concerned about this new influenza, mainly because there is not much information about it. I am 35-weeks pregnant and I cannot find a site that tells me if I get this infection will my infant be harmed. I also have a four-year-old son. Should I keep him out of daycare or school? I think that I am just as confused as the rest of the world. -- Rebecca Black, US

International community mulls response to piracy

It is important that the international community understand the reasons why piracy and fundamentalism are spreading inside Somalia and influencing the Horn of Africa region. Over the past three years, more than five local fishing cooperatives with more than four thousands beneficiaries suspended their fishing activities. Foreign vessels with high-tech trawlers have completely depleted the fish stocks in the areas of Eyl, Gara'ad, Hobyo Harardher as well as the southern seashore. Until recently piracy was limited to the central regions of the country, but now more and more Somalia districts are adopting the practice as a means to support themselves. -- Mohamed Ali Bile, Somalia

These outrageous armed attacks by the aggressive Somali pirates must be stopped, no matter the age of the aggressors. If they are armed and fire upon innocents, they must be curtailed by responsive firepower. I realize Somalia is a country without a lawful government; it is controlled by warlords. Vessels plying the sealanes have the right to respond with adequate firepower to repel and/or eliminate the aggressors. -- Richard Larssen, Mexico

Everyone is focused on piracy but not asking why the piracy began in the first place: To ward off illegall fishing vessels and ships dumping toxic waste. The accused are not always guilty. -- Marta Kaye, US

It is unbelievable that when pirates are captured, they receive a slap on their wrists and are sent on their way. Unless the European nations take decisive actions, this will be a continuing and escalating problem and the true losers will be the consumers of the goods being transported. Shame on you, Holland for releasing the pirates. -- Karin Oaks, US