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Readers Respond to DW-WORLD's Iraq War Coverage

March 23, 2003

Like the international community, reader letters show that DW-WORLD visitors are also divided on the issue of the U.S.-led war against Iraq.


I wonder how the U.S., Great Britain or the world would have reacted if this war had been led by the Chinese or the Russians.

-- Jürgen Altmann, Switzerland

Bush should be placed before an international war crimes tribunal. The United Nations' founding member uses the body only the way it wants to. Never before has a nation gone to war in order to assassinate a head of state.

-- Kurt Setschen

A longer soft intellectual discussion at the United Nations would only have given Saddam more time to build his power. It was time to take action.

-- Doug DeCaster

Iraq has launched Scud missiles, which they denied they had. They have now clearly violated the terms of resolution 1441. That alone should be enough for Germany to be sending troops right this minute to Iraq.

-- John Lawrence, United States

How can we bring democracy to a country if we follow an approach that is not democratic? I feel this is what the U.S. is doing at this time.

-- Marianne Waldner, Canada

Until a few days ago I was uneasy about George W. Bush's Iraq policy. While I supported his aim to remove Saddam from power, but I wanted evidence of stronger international support. Finally, it dawned on me that it was not Bush who failed at diplomacy, but rather we were the victims of a well-timed strategic move on the parts of Germany and France to betray us in order to do away with American influence in Europe and assert themselves as the sole leaders of Europe.

-- Charles Vamossy

The letters published here represent the opinions of the authors and in no way reflect those of DW-WORLD. We reserve the right to shorten, edit and publish all letters submitted to DW-WORLD.