Porcelain, bestselling export product made in China
Forget smart phones — for centuries, China's foreign trade was dominated by porcelain. The exhibition "Made in China! Porcelain" shows the most exquisite pieces.
A delicate craft going back thousands of years
Porcelain has been a central part of Chinese culture and art for over 1,000 years. Until a few hundred years ago, China had a monopoly on porcelain; it was the only country where people knew how to produce the "white gold." Porcelain from China was exported around the world, especially to Europe, where nobles and kings prided themselves with owning the valuable vases and dishes from the East.
Blue and white patterns
Blue and white patterns are typical for early Chinese porcelain, which were particularly popular during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644). The blue color — made by mixing cobalt oxide with water — was applied before the firing process. Floral motifs like the ones seen on the plate pictured above dating back to the 15th century were very much in demand at that time.
Scorching temperatures in the kiln
Porcelain has a very high firing temperature of about 1300 Celsius (2375 Fahrenheit). It consists of just three components: a type of clay called kaolin, feldspar and quartz. The key factor in the production of porcelain is feldspar, which melts during firing, and takes on a new structure. It becomes clear, pure and white, delicate and translucent — just the way porcelain should be.
Changing tastes in decor
Chinese porcelain motifs and styles changed over the course of different eras. The blue and white style was replaced by high-quality multi-colored designs. Increasingly, plants and animals adorned the delicate objects: peonies, lotus flowers, birds, goldfish and insects were among the most popular embellishments.
Status symbols at European courts
Porcelain was regarded a luxury good, and was in great demand all over the world - especially in Europe. Beginning in the 16th century, princes and kings displayed their wealth in "porcelain cabinets," showing off items merchants had brought to them all the way from China. Until the 18th century, Europeans imported all of their porcelain because they hadn't yet developed their own formula.
Prestigious commissions
Some Chinese artists made porcelain objects according to the wishes of European princes and royal families. Art and culture from Europe also served as inspiration for their work. The pictured plate shows a European couple, in the style of the popular "famille rose," (pink family), named after the color - because it mainly used shades of pink and purple.
Meissen, Vienna and Sevres - more than mere imitations?
In 1708, a porcelain formula was finally developed in the German city of Meissen. Manufacturers in other European cities followed that are still known for their porcelain today: Vienna, Sevres, Nymphenburg, Copenhagen. An important part of European everyday culture was born - following a Chinese model.
Porcelain, a cultural asset
The exhibition "Made in China! Porcelain" showcases examples of the over 1,000-year-old history of the precious material. More than 180 exhibits illustrate the development of vases, plates, bowls and figurines from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, as well as export goods. The show at the Museum for Art and Trade (MK&G) in Hamburg runs from October 2, 2020 to March 20, 2022.