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Planet Blog

Hosted by Ole Tangen Jr.May 15, 2009

A new weekly radio show, Planet Blog explores the vast reaches of the World Wide Web to bring you compelling stories that have been causing a buzz on the Internet.

One planet, many voicesImage: AP

Planet Blog is a five-minute weekly radio program that takes a current issue in the global blogosphere and interviews a prominent blogger with expertise about the topic. The aim is to offer a global view of local stories straight from bloggers on the ground and provide a lens into subjects not usually covered in the international media. It will be broadcast as a part of the radio program Inbox and offered as an individual podcast.

Stay tuned, the Planet Blog Podcast will be available in a few weeks' time!

Planet Blog showcases bloggers who have successfully -- often bravely -- used the form to inform their audience and continue this global online conversation through the medium of radio.

What is a blog?

Blogs are a simple publishing tool that allows anyone with an Internet connection to easily post text, photos and videos online. Unlike news correspondents, bloggers tend to be local and utilize that local knowledge to offer critical analysis on any topic imaginable, from breaking news and politics to religion, media and technology.

And in countries where traditional media outlets are controlled by the government, blogs are often the only platform available to discuss important issues or report breaking news stories.

List of Shows

Here is a list of all of the stories covered so far on Planet Blog (Click on the corresponding link at the bottom of the page to download the audio as an mp3 file).

Planet Blog #8: Who Controls the Internet in Germany? -- Interviews with petitioner Franziska Heine and blogger Johnny Haeusler, spreeblick.com

Planet Blog #7: Moldova's "Twitter Revolution" -- Interview with blogger Nicu Popescu, euobserver.com

Planet Blog #6: What is Twitter? -- Interview with blogger and social media expert Nicole Simon

Planet Blog #5: Social media and the South African elections -- Interview with blogger Alex Matthews, afrodissident.wordpress.com

Planet Blog #4: How global is the global blogosphere? --Interview with Gabriel Gonzalez, thebobs.com

Planet Blog #3: Blogging the G20 -- Interview with Thailand-based blogger Jotman, jotman.com

Planet Blog #2: Bloggers in Jail -- Interview with Joel Simon, Director of the Committee to Protect Journalists.

Planet Blog #1: Cable Crazy in Kenya -- Interview with blogger Juliana Rotich, afromusing.com